Jump In Warwick Trampoline Park – REVIEW | AD

Girl on a trampoline

As a family we are huge fans of active things to do. We have hated all the rain and wind, as usually like to go for walks, go to National Trust and just get out! I’m really into fitness and want my family to be too, so anything that involves us getting a bit of a sweat on and tiring us out, is perfect! When we were invited to try and out review Jump In Warwick, we were all really keen.

We have tried trampoline parks out in the past and were keen to see what Jump In Warwick would be like. We decided to meet friends that day and as one of them didn’t jump, she looked after the little man when he woke up! Even more perfect, as we could take the girls on.

More About Jump In Warwick

Jump In are a trampoline park in Warwick that offer so much. Open sessions, fitness classes, birthday parties, Jump and Play (for kids under 5 for the trampoline park and soft play, Jump In to music and lots more.

entrance to jump in Warwick

Jump In is not just located in Warwick too but all over the UK, including Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Elstree, Enfield, Shrewsbury, Slough and Tonbridge. Hopefully there is one near you too.

You can book online easily and need to sign either an online waiver or when you arrive.Before you Jump, everyone must watch a safety video which lasts 3 minutes. This was easy to follow and understand. The kids seemed to watch and take in.

seating areas jump in Warwick

Socks are provided and there are facilities like a cafe with hot and cold snacks and drinks, lockers for personal items baby change. There is also a good seating area if you are not jumping.

Jump in Warwick Tuck shop Jump in Warwick lockers

Price-wise Jump-In varies between how long you jump for.

For example and hour on peak is £10.95, one and a half hours is £14.95 and two hours is £16.95. It depends on your kids though. Mine were tired after an hour but older kids are likely to want to stay for longer.

Our Visit

We headed over to Jump In Warwick with our friends last weekend. Our booked in time was 12pm, as our friends had to travel. It was pretty busy at this time. We are usually one of those fussy families who prefer to go early and aim for 9am (I don’t joke here) so if you are like us, I’d go earlier.

What I also noticed was less adults were bouncing and it was mainly kids. I don’t know why but this surprised me!!

I took my middle girl for a look around. There is a soft play for 3-5 year old and a special area for under 5s to bounce. No adults are allowed to so my middle girl enjoyed this. We did take her out onto the main section with the inter-connecting trampolines but really supervised her and stayed by the edge.

mini jump area

My 6 year old was a little bigger and able to enjoy more of the facilities. She enjoyed the tumble track, which allows people to practice their tumbles (she was cartwheeling).

We also both went to the giant air bag. You can climb to a platform and jump into it! It was great fun and even more fun to climb and roll out.

giant air bag jump in Warwick

There was also areas of foam block to jump into, which both girls loved. I tried this and got stuck and almost lost a sock. Think I am getting old!!

girl climbing out of foam blocks

My friend’s lad spent ages playing Dodgeball, which is usually a great laugh in my experience. Also gets you really worn out!!!

There is also basketball hoops and a battle beam, where you can fight and knock each other off! We didn’t try this, as my eldest was a little small.

I really like just bouncing, so the interconnecting trampolines are the funnest part for me.

red head jumping high on trampoline

Overall Thoughts of Jump In Warwick

We all said we had fun when we bounced at Jump In Warwick. It was one of the first times my middle little girl had really had a good bounce and she seemed to have a great time and has asked to go back. I liked the area for the under 5s and it was safe for my 3 year old.

I liked the facilities and the soft play. There was lots to do and lots of different activities. We found it a smaller trampoline park to others we have been to in the past but that wasn’t a huge issue. Depends how local you are and what you are planning to do!

We had an hour and the girls lasted just shy of that. We think booking over lunch may have been a slight error, as all of us were really hungry by the end! Also we all said it was really busy. Next time we would go early morning.

One thing the girls struggled with a little was there was a lot of pushing in. The staff are strict but is depends where they are placed to see. On the main interconnecting area my eldest was warned a couple of times for bouncing when her sister was and going out of the wrong exit but in other areas it is harder to see what’s going on. So keen an eye on your kids and check this out. I have since been told that when we attended there were a lot of staff off sick, so this may have accounted for that.

Dad and baby in Jump In Warwick

Overall we liked Jump-In and had a good time. It’s a great way to keep fit and let your kids have a good bounce around. Price-wise it is competitive with others places and has some good facilities.

There was a party going on when we were there and the kids looked like they were having a good time!

Worth a visit, if you are local!

Disclosure – we were offered this review in exchange for an honest review. All thought and opinions are our own.


  1. March 13, 2020 / 2:13 pm

    Looks like you all had a fantastic time. I do love a day out at a trampoline park…so much fun!

  2. March 14, 2020 / 12:53 pm

    Sounds like great fun! It must be difficult to police the kids, especially when you will always have ones who don’t want to take turns. My children would love to go bouncing.