I can’t believe I’m penning another post for you. Another year has gone by! You will be 7 years old and what a year we have had. I don’t think any of us expected for you to be home with me for the majority of the time for the last 5-6 months. It’s crazy. It’s been tough. It’s been frustrating and it’s been one of the hardest challenges I’ve ever had as a parent over the last 7 years.
I’ve wrestled with you to do your school-work. Watched you and your sister become the best of friends. I’ve got frustrated with you, as you have got bored, not tried and taken 40 minutes to write a sentence. I know I’m not a teacher but at the same time I know you have tried to do your best, in a really alien time.
But you have also grown so much in this time. People have commented how much you have grown up; not just in size (you have literally lengthened it seems!) and I am buying you age 9 clothes, at 6 years old! But you have mature; you are just simply growing up.
People miss the early days. The days when you were dependent on me for everything. The days when you wanted me to lie with you all the time at bedtime and when you babbled away about your favourite thing. Of course I’ll miss those times but I am also loving the little girl you are becoming. I’m loving your ridiculous sense of humour, how laid back you are about things. How you have taken all this Covid-19 stuff in your stride. I love how we can chat and you can ask me what you want to know. I hope that is something that always continues.
I spend so much time trying not to laugh when I am meant to be telling you off or sending you to bed. You are just so funny sometimes and I hope that will never change.
You are so kind and caring to your siblings, even though at the same time you drive them nuts and wind them up like crazy. I am loving being able to spend 1 on 1 time with you. I’ve loved our Tuesdays when the others were at nursery and the childminder. We’ve baked, watching films, done nails and had some lovely days out. I’m loving that you enjoy going out to shop and I’m soaking up all these moments before you get too big, or find me embarrassing!!
I hope you have an amazing birthday! You are spending it with family and your friend and that is all you want to be happy.
Continue growing into the funny, kind and crazy little girl you are!
Love you loads! Happy 7th Birthday Darling!