Kindi Kids Dress Up Dolls – REVIEW | AD

two girls with Kindi Kids dress up dolls

My girls love the Kindi Kids Range. We have had the pleasure of reviewing Rainbow Kate and the Peppy Petkin Scooter previously and the girls had such a lot of fun with both. What I love about these dolls is there huge, glittery eyes and they are just so colourful. I known if I was a little girl I would have wanted one these dolls. When we were offered the chance to review the Kindi Kids Dress Up Dolls range, I knew my girls would be happy and I was right!

They have been the best of friends during lockdown (most of the time) and I knew these dolls would be a perfect addition to their games. They have so much imagination and my eldest is pretty good at bossing her sister around too!

Kindi Kids dress up dolls in the box

More About the Kindi Kids Dress Up Dolls Range

Kindi Kids is a pre-school girls’ doll brand. Kindi Kids is the only brand that joins young girls on their Kindergarten journey (or pre-school if in the UK), with the Kindi Kids being brand new Kindergarteners themselves! These lovely dolls have wobbling heads and sparkling eyes.

Going to pre-school is all about friendship and play and this is what Kindi Kids is all about! My middle daughter is off to pre-school in September and at nearly 4 years old, these dolls are perfect for her. It’s a scary time for her to be leaving her nursery and moving on but Kindi Kids want you to be true to yourself, in a time where you are getting to know yourself.

It’s a lovely concept.

The Dress Up Dolls include Marsha Mellow  which were were sent, and Donatina. These dolls RRP at £25 and are aimed at children aged 3 years and over.

We were also sent Mystabella, which you can see below, who is one of the Fun Time Friends dolls.

Mystabella – Fun Time Friends

Mystabella was immediately taken by my 3 year old. She loved how bright and colourful she is.

girl with mystabella Kindi Kids doll in a box

Mystabella is a beautiful little girl who loves dressing up as a Unicorn Princess! She comes with a unicorn horn headband and a colourful dress and is very artistic. She can hold her paintbrush in her hand and if you dip it in cold water and brush her canvas on her Shopkins easel, you magically see her painting appear!

She is 10 inches tall and has the lovely Kindi Kids wobbly head! She has beautiful, big, purple glittery eyes.

Mystabella kinda kids dress up doll

Her hair is full of ringlets. I was nagging my girls not to take it out or mess with it (as kids do), as it is just so lovely!

As you can see when my daughter dipped the brush into cold water, the image was revealed!

Marsha Mellow – The Dress Up Range

Marsha Mello loves hopping about Rainbow Kindi in her super cute bunny suit. She also comes with another dress, which she can change into when she fancies.

She is just so bright and colourful and comes with a bunny outfit, as you can see but has another you can change her into; a little dress.

Her glittery, big eyes are blue this time.

Thoughts of Kindi Kids Dress Up Dolls Range

My eldest loved her Kindi Kids Dress Up Doll. You can see it in her face; really mesmerised. The dolls are just so happy and smiley and my girls play so well with them together.

I like the concept behind Kindi Kids; promoting friendship, having fun and using your imagination. Going to school for the first time is a world of discovery and anything that helps little ones feel ready and happy is great.

The Kindi Kids dolls are sturdy and good for younger girls. My 3 year old was fine with them. I’m always worried about toys getting broken or trod on but these dolls are well-made and can cope with my crazy girls.

I think price-wise the dolls are pretty competitive and worth it. They are well designed and lovely quality. I quite like their wobbly heads and the girls love how colourful they are.

Overall another thumbs up for these new Kindi Kids Dress Up Dolls and the Fun Times Friend Doll too. They both promote a lovely message and the dolls themselves were loved by my girls.

Disclaimer – we were sent these dolls in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.

1 Comment

  1. August 28, 2020 / 8:11 am

    These do look really well wide made and I like the colours too. They also look like a great size I am sure these would make great Christmas gifts for the little girls I know. Thanks for the inspiration.