When you have a family, it can be one of the scariest things. You are responsible for small people. Bringing them up. Making sure they are healthy and happy. It took me absolutely ages to get my head around this when I had my first daughter. I think it probably does for any new parent. Years of looking after number one and suddenly you are not number one anymore.
Now I’m a mother of 3 children, these thoughts have become a little easier to manage. I’ve had a little more practice. Seven years of that huge responsibility!
Here are some of my ideas for ways to look after your family.
Make Sure They Eat Healthily
As a dietitian and Mum this is one of the hardest things I find to do! My eldest and my baby boy have both been really fussy. Refusing foods, not eating healthily and making me panic! Luckily as time has past my eldest has got better. I just make sure I avoid lots of sugary treats, such as sweets, chocolates and fizzy drinks. Snacks are fruit based where possible and all meals are balanced with plenty of vegetables. It’s tough and you won’t always manage it but keeping to a healthy diet is so important for their long term health.
You may enjoy – My Child Won’t Eat – What To do?
Healthy Snack Ideas for a Child who Dislikes Fruit
Keep Them Active
This is another thing that is so important. Making sure your children get outdoors and have plenty of time to be active. This doesn’t have to be about paying for expensive clubs or classes. It maybe getting out for a good work, scoot or bike ride. Running around in the park or garden. My girls currently swim but we like a good walk or bike ride. Kids should be getting 60 minutes of activity a day according to Government Guidelines.
Look After Their Teeth
I remember when I started out blogging I was watching a programme about a child who had to have all their teeth pulled due to having too many fizzy drinks and too much squash! It was horrible and I vowed I didn’t want the same to happen to my kids. I always make sure they clean their teeth, drink water and watch their sugar intake.
Read here for more about How To Look After Your Kid’s Teeth.
Protect Their Future
Thinking about your family’s finances is also very important too. Both myself and my husband work and have outgoings that suit our income. If something were to happen; we were unwell or injured and could not work. This is where Income Protection Insurance can be so helpful! This provides 50-70% of your income until you can either go back to work, reach state pension age or sadly pass away. It pays out in monthly instalments, rather than a lump sum and you can start it when you need it. Worth considering.
Get Outdoors
Fresh air is good for the soul! During lockdown I realised this more and more. I used to get out with the kids every day where possible. We would go to the woods for walks and bike rides. Learn outdoors, climb logs and always in any weather. This was just so important for the kid’s and my mental health. It tired them out and they slept well.
Look After Their Mental Health
Looking after your child’s mental health is so important. I’ve had anxiety and health anxiety since being a child and I don’t want my kids to follow suit. For me it’s listening to them properly, spending time with them, being open and honest and making them feel as loved and accepted as possible.
I also want them to have a good relationship with food and their body image too.
Make Sure They Sleep Well
When I was younger all my Mum used to say to me about having kids was get them in a good routine! Get them to bed at the same time daily. I think this is so important. If my kids are tired they are grumpy, can’t focus and it makes life rubbish for us all. We aim for all kids to be asleep by 8pm at the latest.
Read here about how to kids your kids in a good routine for sleep.
Save For Their Future
I have always tried to start saving some money for the kid’s futures. Just a little away each month, so they will have something. I know my family did this for me and I had some money for learning to drive and for when I got married.
Having a children and a family is one of the biggest challenges any adult can face. Having to look after small people and be so responsible for everything is tough to deal with but you can do it! With practice and time, it becomes second nature.
Hope some of these tips helped!
Disclosure – this is a sponsored post.