I succumbed and bought a Fitbit at the weekend after umming and erring for a week or so. Yes, I conformed!! However, so many people had raved about theirs, so I thought why not? But I have been amazed I what I have learnt using my Fitbit.
Tim at Slouching Towards Thatcham wrote a post about how much he felt he had changed from using his Fitbit and how it had really helped so I thought I would do something similar.
Things I have Learnt Using my Fitbit
– I’m stupidly competitive. When I was challenged to a daily step challenge I was soooo there. I whipped my mate’s ass for the first 2 days and then she beat me and I wanted to murder her. However, some healthy competition is good right?
– I may be a gym addict and go at least 3 times a week but this does not mean I easily hit my 10,000 daily steps by no means! The gym helps to boost it but I work at a desk for a lot of the time. This times passes and I have done naff all steps. I’m thinking a 10 minute lunch time walk is on the cards. Especially when I have a smug colleague who often hits 20,000 steps a day!!!
– If I’m active I do supposedly burn over 2000 calories a day; up to 2300. I don’t know why I am that surprised as an average woman is meant to consume this. I have also assessed my dietary intake before and know I consume over 2000kcals a day. Hence, why my weight stays the same…doh to the Dietitian.
– I have quite a low resting heart rate. 50-55 so I am quite pleased with that!
– I’m not lazy and do the climb the stairs a lot. I have done 30 flights today and the target is only 10.
– My sleep could be massively improved. I have had a cold this week so have taken longer to sleep and have woken in the night coughing and snorting BUT I am restless a lot. I wake in the night. Not sure how I can improve but will be looking again when this bug goes away.
– I get addicted and obsessed with stuff so easily! I am always checking my steps, standing up, having a pace in the work corridor, making an excuse to have a walk….the list goes on. Facebook can be replaced with my Fitbit, right?
– Making small changes for your health can be quite simple and with the motivation from a device on your wrist kicking you up the bum, it is even easier. I have found doing a bit more walking about the house quite easy, alongside getting up more at work and I will be doing an extra walk on my lunch tomorrow (or today as you read this). If you want to change your habits; you can.
So would I recommend buying one? Yes! I do think they are worth the money if you want to improve your health and physical activity. I was surprised I didn’t walk enough steps each day and am actively rectifying this. It’s a fab motivator and if you have loony friends who want to compete; even better!

I got mine this week too to review and there is definitely something about wearing one that makes you want to move more isn’t there? Xx
ooh looking forward to reading it ! x
Glad that you’re enjoying it – and if a little healthy competition helps to motivate you even more then that is a good thing! The Fitbit sounds like a great way for encouraging people to exercise more and be aware of their own dietary intake and exercise levels – hubby has a watch which has similar function and it does seem to be a bit addictive! I’d be pleased with that resting heart rate too – mine was about that a few years back but I suspect it may well be faster than that these days, especially given my increased coffee consumption to counteract having less sleep overall! 🙂
Yep I love a bit of healthy competition. I think it is worth getting or having something like your hubby does. Haha my HR has been up this week having a cold…I think I can hardly breathe!!! x
Ooh, I want one now. It sounds great, especially if you know someone else with one to set challenges with. #WoTW
The challenges are the best part x
I’ve not got a Fitbit but they sound incredible and the perfect way to increase excercise levels. It’s my birthday in March, so I may have to add this to my birthday list 🙂 #BinkyLinky
Helen x
I think so Helen…is a good one x
Ha ha, yes competition is healthy, but not if it incites you to murder! Glad you’re enjoying it and it’s motivating you x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
haha maybe not that extreme! Thanks for hosting xx
I am glad you shared this. I have recently been considering purchasing one but wasn’t sure. What one is yours? I don’t even know where to start! #binkylinky
I have the Charge HR! Does heart rate, steps, calories, stairs and sleep 🙂 x
Hmmm. Maybe I need a fitbit too? Just to get me moving more. Although I keep thinking surely doing chores, walking the dog, not to mention walking my daughter to school and back is enough exercise, right? 😉 #wotw.
That is quite a bit…need to count your steps now! x
Oooh this is brill Sarah, I just ordered one so I’m pleased you’ve found it useful! I’ve had it in my ‘basket’ for ages but finally pushed the button last night! Good luck on getting those steps up, I feel I am in for a horrible surprise about how little I move! Xx
Yay they are great! It is hard getting to that 10,000 if you stay in! xx
I haven’t got a Fitbit but have heard good things about them….It sounds like you are getting on really well with yours x
They are worth it Kim! 🙂 x
I really want one of these and I need something to make me move more. I think I really would compete against it too, Funny isn’t it how something so small could make you change like that #WotW
It’s great and so motivating!! x
I’d love one I think they are ace, Adi has a misfit which are supposed to be just as good although he’s yet to set it up! Be intrigued to see how you get on 🙂 #binkylinky
Not set it up yet? lol x
My OH got one and he’s obsessed with it too.
I’m curious and thinking of getting one because I think it is so smart and can really help track your progress. For me, understanding my sleep patterns is fascinating as I have no idea how well I do here; although I do know that I could do much better with me step count.
A little bit of competition is always a good thing and if you’re competitive within yourself I can see how the Fitbi can be addictive!
hehe glad not just me! I think it’s good to see your steps as when I am lazy at home; they are awful. Plus I never sleep more than 7.5hrs a night xx
I’ve had my fitbit for over a year and enjoy using it most of the time. I find I go through phases with it though and eventually get a bit bored with it. Then a month or so later it comes back out again. Going through a ‘bored’ phase at the moment but your post has reminded me of all the fun it can be so will dig it back out again! Thanks #WoTW
I wonder if I will be the same. I’m shocked how bad my steps are when at home being lazy x
I have a fitbit and love it. It sounds like you’re making good progress. Well done! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky
Thanks Emily, I do like it! x
Sounds like you love your Fitbit I will be honest never quite seen the appeal but it might fun to get one just to beat em I’m very competitive thanks for linking to the Binkylinky
I reckon that would be fun for you and Em!!x
I’ve had a fitbit for yonks and think I need a bit of a kick up the bum to get the most out of it! All my friends that had it seem to have tailed off too so I’m not really competing!
ahh you all need to get going again! x
It’s definitely appealing to my competitive nature and my liking for stats. I’m often doing extra trips up and down stairs at home just to register a few more floors and I’m doing extra walks that I would never have done in the past. I was travelling midweek and stopped at a motorway services. Normally I’d have stopped and had a coffee and a snack – instead I did a few laps of the car park and grabbed a takeaway coffee before leaving. And on Friday night I was out for the evening with a few other dads and snuck in a half-hour walk in the rain before going back to my car. To an outsider I must seem mad! But it’s making a difference.
I really need to take a leaf out of your book Tim. I have been bad at getting 10,000 steps this weekend as been poorly and the weather awful. Must try and get the extra walks in! x
The sleep tracking of Fitbit has been the biggest discovery for me.
But the competitiveness of seeing friends getting all those steps has often triggered a workout that I would NOT have otherwise. It feels especially lazy to sit on the couch when I know I could win that Weekend Warrier competition if I just get in another 1,000 or so steps.
So true! The gym really boosts your steps eh? A bit of competition is fab x
I got a Fitbit for my birthday last year and it really has made me move more. I make more of an effort to get up and walking, even on a rest day from exercise #binkylinky xx
Same here! I was sooo lazy at the weekend x
Popping back from #justanotherlinky. Thanks for linking up xx
🙂 x
Hello Sarah! I have also learned a lot using fitbit… Now, I am addicted to it and really loving it. It has helped me a lot to regain my fitness. Thanks for the lovely blog.
Thanks Cindy! They are a great idea x