Beets Blu Heart Rate Monitor – REVIEW

AD – I’m a massive fitness and gym geek so when I was offered a Beets Blu heart rate monitor to review, I jumped at it!

More About the Beets Blu Heart Rate Monitor

Many of you may know I love my Fitbit but the Beets Blu monitor has a strap that goes across your chest and syncs with an app on your phone. I was really interested to see if this would differ from the Fitbit and be more accurate.

The Beets Blu Heart Rate Monitor

The product arrived and the first thing to do was download the app. I have an iPhone but it is available on Android too. You can scan the app off the box but I did a standard ‘Beets Blu’ search on the Apple Store and found it.

Once downloaded and a few of my details added, like age and weight I was ready to go before my gym class.

Me wearing the Beets Blu Heart Rate Monitor

Putting the strap across my body was quite easy. It is adjustable and was comfy. You need to wet the contact points and then synch it with the app. I had a few issues at first but it calibrated and found my heart rate, displaying this on the app. I checked my Fitbit and the rates were almost identical. Happy Days!

What I wasn’t aware of and should have checked, is the app is just a simple heart rate monitor. I wanted it to track my heart rate over my body pump class but it doesn’t. It just tells you what it is at the time! I needed to download a compatible app like Map my Run so track my heart rate and calories for a session!

Lesson learnt and I did this before my gym session the next day. I downloaded the fitness app Endomondo which is compatible with the heart rate monitor.

I was only planning a 20 minute work out on the cross trainer at my Mum’s so thought perfect chance to test it. I put the monitor on and calibrated to  the Beets Blue app. I must say I did have a few issues getting it working this time around. You do need to have it in the position shown in the photo above and the contacts need wetting. Hubby had to help me but I’m sure I will get used to that. Once it was working on the Beets Blue app it synced with Endomondo and my heart rate went up quickly, as I cross trained.

Results from the Beets Blu Heart Rate Monitor


After 20 minutes, there was a fab summary, which included a calorie count that I was interested in.


results from Beets Blu Heart Rate Monitor


I was impressed with the monitor. I was checking with my Fitbit as I worked out and this fluctuated a lot, or stayed at a much lower heart rate. I’m aware they are not always the best for exercise however.  The Beets Blue monitor monitored my heart rate at a steady number, which I felt was accurate, as once I got cross training I wasn’t increasing or decreasing effort.

Overall, I was impressed with the Beets Blu heart rate monitor. I had a few issues with it calibrating initially but this was easily sorted and once you get used to it’s positioning and set up this will pass. Bear in mind you need an activity tracking compatible app to use it with. Once that is sorted you are away.

I will definitely be using this for some of my gym workouts.

I was provided the Beets Blu heart rate monitor for free for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.




  1. March 8, 2016 / 6:27 am

    really good to know what you thought, my dad and hubby are obsessed with this kind of thing. I have an Apple watch which I use, but I am not big into recording or monitoring fitness, but I will share this with my dad and Steve. #TwinklyTuesday

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 8, 2016 / 7:25 pm

      Thanks Mac, it was an interesting one x

  2. Unhinged Mummy (aka Janine Woods)
    March 8, 2016 / 7:23 am

    I was offered to do this review too but I don’t do enough exersize ha! So I reviewed their PagerTag instead. It’s a good little gadget and the heart rate monitor sounds good too.


    • RunJumpScrap
      March 8, 2016 / 7:25 pm

      Ooh you will have to let me see it! x

  3. March 8, 2016 / 1:56 pm

    Ooh really interesting, I do like all these fitness trackers as they definitely hope motivate you and keep track of how much good you are actually doing!


    • RunJumpScrap
      March 8, 2016 / 7:24 pm

      They are fab and I love geeking it up x

  4. March 9, 2016 / 6:35 am

    Interesting! I have an apple watch and wish it tracked heart rate throughout a workout

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 8:22 am

      That would be good! x

  5. March 9, 2016 / 6:53 am

    Looks really good and it was interesting to see how the readings differed from your Fitbit. I love things like this but must admit when I read that it straps across your chest I expected some huge cumbersome device, but it actually looks quite discreet.

    Great review.
    Thanks for sharing and hosting xx

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 8:21 am

      They were different which surprised me! It is quite discreet x

  6. March 9, 2016 / 7:35 am

    I love this sort of thing for measuring your progress. I think it really motivates you too. I have a different one but sometimes I find it uncomfortable to wear so I was interested to read that this is one is fine to wear! #bestandworst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 8:20 am

      It did take some getting used to but comfy! I will use it in the gym when I’ve got over another cold!! x

  7. Emily
    March 9, 2016 / 7:45 am

    I’m not sure I could wear something like this. My Fitbit charge broke recently, but I’ve bought the Fitbit charge hr now so I’m excited to see how well it fares #bestandworst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 8:19 am

      It did take a bit of getting used to but was quite accurate I think! The Fitbit is wicked though x

  8. March 9, 2016 / 8:05 am

    Great review, I’ve never heard of this product before. I did once have a running watch with heart rate monitor but I rarely used the heart monitoring strap, too many other things to focus on (like, has it been 30 minutes yet??? haha!)

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 8:19 am

      haha so true! Get it over with x

  9. March 9, 2016 / 9:07 am

    I love my gym sessions although I’m not doing much cardio at the moment. This product looks great but I just don’t have the patience for technology! I think I’d get bored too quickly. xx #bestandworst

  10. March 9, 2016 / 9:50 am

    Great review. And you are clearly very fit 🙂 #bestandworst

    Nadia – ScandiMummy x

  11. Liz Lowe
    March 9, 2016 / 12:05 pm

    Good insight – baby due in 4 weeks so I’ll be needing some motivational tools in a few months!

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 5:05 pm

      YOu may do afterwards xx

  12. March 9, 2016 / 12:34 pm

    Great review! I have never heard of these, nor do I use anything similar, but if I were to buy one this sounds great! #bestandworst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 5:15 pm

      Thanks Laura it was a good product to review x

  13. March 9, 2016 / 12:58 pm

    This sounds good, although having to link it to my phone would put me off a bit. I have to leave my phone out of reach or I have a nasty habit of trying to text from treadmills, exercise bikes etc! Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 5:14 pm

      haha I’m bad for that but then my phone has my music on it x

  14. March 9, 2016 / 1:02 pm

    Great review! I’ve never heard of it, I’ve only heard of fitbit. It sounds quite complicated (I’m sure it isn’t, I’m just easily confused!) and you seem to need a lot of apps to actually get the info you need!! I’ve never tried anything like this, but maybe I should! It might motivate me to work even harder!!

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 5:14 pm

      Not too bad at all to use! I think they are good motivation x

  15. Pen
    March 9, 2016 / 1:38 pm

    Wow, well done! If only I went to the gym once in a while… #bestandworst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 5:13 pm

      Flipping heck I’m awful at the moment with colds x

  16. March 9, 2016 / 1:38 pm

    Did it feel comfy? Looks a bit restrictive?! #bestandworst

      • RunJumpScrap
        March 9, 2016 / 5:12 pm

        Yep it actually was! i was quite surprised x

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 5:13 pm

      It was! x

  17. Angela
    March 9, 2016 / 2:22 pm

    Great review. I’m however not in the slightest fit by any means but something like this might motivate me! #bestandworst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 5:05 pm

      tehe you never know! x

  18. March 9, 2016 / 3:34 pm

    I’ve never used anything like this as I think I’d get obsessed with the numbers!! #bestandworst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 5:12 pm

      Haha it is very easy x

  19. Nige
    March 9, 2016 / 4:53 pm

    Great review I never really excerise to be honest it looks very good. Thanks for hosting the bestandworst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 5:11 pm

      Thanks Nigel 🙂 may get your bum in gear hehe x

  20. Something Crunchy Mummy
    March 9, 2016 / 6:35 pm

    This sounds great! #bestandworst xx

  21. Katie/Squirmy Popple
    March 9, 2016 / 6:55 pm

    Interesting – I’ve never used anything like that for my workout (or any gadgets, in fact). Sadly, my workouts are few and far between ever since I had a baby! #bestandworst

  22. Rach
    March 9, 2016 / 7:22 pm

    This is really interesting. My other half is massively into his fitness (wish it was catching!) and I was thinking about getting him a fitbit for his Birthday next month but I might take a look at this! #bestandworst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 8:01 pm

      hehe! Perhaps have a nosey yes x

  23. March 9, 2016 / 7:25 pm

    I have never seen one of these before! Looks interesting but then again I doubt I will be running anytime soon so maybe I’m not exactly the target market! #BestandWorst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 8:00 pm

      Yeh I guess not! I feel the same with all my colds at the mo x

  24. Becky (And Then There Were Two)
    March 9, 2016 / 7:30 pm

    Thanks for sharing this! Me and hubby are currently researching this type of thing – he’s wanted a Fitbit for ages so we are looking into all alternatives. Thanks for the tips about calibrating and app and for hosting #bestandworst

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 9, 2016 / 8:00 pm

      Ah definitely worth a look x

  25. March 9, 2016 / 8:49 pm

    This sounds great and really useful to know. I like to know numbers and what’s what! Lol I do get obsessed though 😐 #bestandworst

  26. March 9, 2016 / 9:03 pm

    It is fun to have stats about your exercise regime – like blogging I suppose! If there’s info to be had, we want to know it 🙂
    x Alice

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 10, 2016 / 8:49 pm

      I like to know too! x

  27. March 9, 2016 / 10:15 pm

    This sounds fab but I would get too hung up on the numbers. Either that or I wouldn’t do any and feel mega guilty! Haha

    • RunJumpScrap
      March 10, 2016 / 8:49 pm

      haha bad times 🙂 x

  28. Trista, Domesticated Momster
    March 9, 2016 / 11:52 pm

    I have the FitBit flex and am waiting for the “blaze” to come out as I want a new one with more features….especially heart rate as the machines at the gym are never accurate and usually broke. Great review and thanks for hostessing #bestandworst.

  29. March 10, 2016 / 7:01 am

    I’d be a little confused too with all the setting up but it sounds great! I love gadgets and this one gives you a lot of info. I’d be mostly looking at calories and time spent working out!

  30. March 10, 2016 / 12:42 pm

    I’m totally confused by the difference between this and a fitbit, but I can’t remember when I last went to the gym so am so not the target audience. Thank you for hosting each week

  31. March 10, 2016 / 4:31 pm

    Ohhh cool, sounds like a good monitor, they offered me to review one but I politely declined lo, this is definitely more up your street!! #bestandworst

  32. March 10, 2016 / 5:07 pm

    As a recent convert to the Fit Bit I couldn’t handle anymore data but can really see the value if you are serious about your training xx #bestandworst

  33. March 10, 2016 / 5:07 pm

    As a recent convert to the Fit Bit I couldn’t handle anymore data but can really see the value if you are serious about your training xx #bestandworst

  34. March 10, 2016 / 5:40 pm

    Ooh you are good, I can’t bring myself to do such structured exercise! The Beets Blu does look good though if you’re into your fitness. Thanks for hosting #bestandworst 🙂

  35. Hannah Budding Smiles
    March 10, 2016 / 9:27 pm

    It’s interesting to see the difference between this and the FitBit. I want to get back into fitness again after baby arrives and need some gadgets to help me along the way xx #BestAndWorst

  36. March 10, 2016 / 11:57 pm

    This sounds useful! If I actually exercised any more, that is! But back in the gym bunny days, I would have loved this! #bestandworst

  37. March 11, 2016 / 8:10 am

    Great review, this looks like a really good one x #bestandworst

  38. Mum in Brum
    March 13, 2016 / 10:18 am

    I definitely think ytrackers like these are good for keeping you motivated – I don’t do enough exercise at the moment though to make it worth the investment! Great review though and good to know what I need to look out for #bestandworst x