Tuesday night was a rough night. Rough! I didn’t get a lot of sleep and what I got was very light and restless. I was up as usual about 4 times for a wee but it was one if the most uncomfortable nights, I have had in ages. There were some genuine fears that it was time and it wouldn’t be long until baby number 3 was about to arrive.
Any ladies who have had a lot of Braxton Hicks during pregnancy will understand. You get to that point when they start to increase in frequency and intensity. Also in regularity. Last night I was having tightenings but was also very uncomfortable around my back and stomach; I would describe the pain as crampy and therefore I was worried! I was surprised to realise I felt quite anxious about the birth too. With Piglet, I didn’t seem to bothered but perhaps I know what is coming so much more and perhaps it is the slight feeling if disorganisation making me feel nervous!!
I know this is baby number 3 We are old pros now but I don’t think we have ever been so disorganised for the birth of a child. We are very laid back – perhaps too laid back. I don’t think it has helped that hubby has had a big work exam on the horizon and made it very clear, he didn’t want me to go into labour before the exam! Perhaps in my eyes there would be no baby until this was over!!
Usually we have everything prepped. I have almost packed my hospital bag, just need to add a few bits. The TENs machine in ready but we only just started to have a look at the pram we have bought from a friend. We realised we had the wrong adaptors for the bassinet! Oops! We also have not picked up the car seat we are buying from said friend! This is crazy, as yes the baby could come at any time! How the heck will he be coming home?
I also realised the box of nappies we keep in the lounge was not ready! This is only a small thing and would take 5 minutes to sort but, point is it’s not sorted! It’s full of Piglet’s nappies and she is only wearing one a day now and only as a precaution at night (even though she is pooping her pants, every 5 minutes!!). I need to add newborn nappies, wipes, cream and lots of muslins. Perhaps some spare clothes! This will be getting done.
I only washed blankets and sheets recently and I swear we will be winging it from day one. I guess that is how it will be with two little girls to look after at the same time.
I can’t tell if this is a good sign. Am I more relaxed than I really think? Or am I just completely mental? I am writing this at 38 weeks plus 5, and it will be 39 weeks when it’s live.
I’m wondering if the little man will have arrived and will we have got everything done?
Watch this space!