The Worst Things About Moving House with Kids

The Worst Things About Moving House with Kids

AD -We have just come up to 3 years being in our home. I was pregnant with Piglet at the time. We were excited and looking for somewhere with more space. I still remember the day that we moved in. I was full of cold, tired and coughing like a lunatic. I think I did 30,000 steps that day and I remember we had a delicious MnS steak for tea.

We have painted walls, changing the grass from pebbles to grass and are about to have a garage to office conversion. Busy times.

But, after three years as you do, we have pretty much filled that extra space we wanted! The gremlin often asks if we will moving home again and I’m always telling her I hope not!

sister and brother

Moving with kids is never fun and this is why:

– Packing! It has to be the biggest crappy thing with kids. They climb in the boxes. They unpack as fast as you pack. They don’t want to part with anything as you desperately try and de clutter. If we ever did move again I wonder if I would consider a mover. My Nan swore by her house movers, so you never know.

– The actual moving day is so exhausting and stressful! We were really lucky it coincided with the gremlin being at nursery so we could crack on without her being around, as I swear I may have trampled her.

woman moving a box

– All the organisation. My hubby is very good at that part; solicitors, bank and estate agents! It often takes a lot of phone calls and visits which can take up a lot of time. Time you don’t often have with children. 

– The change for them. We were quite lucky that the gremlin settled quite quickly into her new room but I’ve heard stories about kids who have really struggled at first. It is all new isn’t it? The May regress or want to sleep with you. 

– The work you need to do on a new house. Unpacking, painting, renovation, de-cluttering. Trying any if these things with little ones running around is so tricky. I always have to ask my Mum fort help.

I hope like my gremlin asks, we won’t be moving in the near future. We are close to town, schools, friends and family. I have plans for this house and hope we will be staying put with our little brood!

the worst thing about moving house with kids
