It’s funny, as when I was a child I don’t remember having lots of Christmas days with my Grandparents. They both lived up North in Leeds and obviously when you have kids, Santa Claus and a truck load of presents, it is difficult to travel with them all and maintain the reality of Santa Claus visiting your house. Plus it is an awful lot of work too!
I think they may have come to stay with us for Christmas a few times however, as I have pictures of them sat in their pyjamas whilst we open our presents. I also remember one year going to stay with my Nan after we had opened presents but although nice, it did feel strange not being in our house on Christmas Day.
My dad’s parents were a little older and travelling for them would have been more tricky. They liked their home comforts too and unless we had something like recliner chairs from Fenetic Wellbeing in our home, us visiting them was often easier.
My Kids Now and The Grandparents
Things are quite different now with our children. In the early days when my eldest was a baby we would spend Christmas morning at hubby’s parents, have lunch and go to my family’s later. But after she turned 2, we realised we wanted to spend Christmas as a 3 and our first at home was so lovely. It was nice not to have to go anywhere until later in the day, have a lunch as a family unit and not get dressed in a hurry!
Things have changed again, as the last two years we have stayed at home for the presents but gone over to my family’s for lunch and more presents!!
It’s strange as I don’t think their grandparents could imagine Christmas not seeing the children, whereas when I was little, it wasn’t something we regularly did. Times have changed and I do think it is important to see all the family over the Christmas holidays, even if not on the day itself.
I’m not sure what the future will hold, especially now we are a family of 5. This year we are off to my Mum’s again but I’m sure there will be a time when we will host Christmas dinner and stay at home once again, inviting family over.
As long as we all see each other and have that special time – it is all that matters.
Disclosure – this is a sponsored post.
Its quite the opposite for me. When I was a kid the house was full of relatives and my nan came to stay with us even though she lived just down the road. These days my grandparents are gone and my children have just one Grandma as my parents and my husband’s Dad are also passed. I think it’s real sad that they don’t get grandparent time. Your children are very lucky and I hope they get to spend a lot more time with their grandparents.