Customer Service The Good and the Bad – My Experiences

Customer Service The Good and the Bad – My Experiences

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.

Customer Service. Sometimes you really don’t think about it. It almost passes you by. Nipping to the shop and paying for some goods. Sorting out you car insurance over the phone or perhaps booking a holiday. If it’s adequate, do you really mention it? I know I don’t really. It’s only when you have some exceptionally bad or good customer service, do you really think about it and even talk about it.

The thing is good customer service is so important! It can really make an experience, encourage you to recommend a brand to someone else and continue to use that service if good.

Complaining isn’t fun. It can take up a lot of your time. More and more people are moving to social media to complain and it has been found by a survey by CallCare that complaining via social media actually takes so much longer than picking up the phone, even if being on hold for some of it! We don’t want to do it really.

I’ve had some amazing and some pretty shocking customer service in my time but I’m going to talk about it generically.

Bad Customer Service

I was speaking to my husband about this and for him, the thing that screams bad customer service is waiting in a queue to pay with one member of staff at the checkout but there are other staff members hovering around. He has regularly had to point out to staff there is a huge queue, can someone jump on a till and serve.

There is no pro-activity and so thought in these cases and it really doesn’t look good for a brand at all. It makes my husband pretty cross. He feels he is queuing up to give his money and this should be done with ease; not waiting in a huge queue that is unnecessary.

Good Customer Service

For me this is visiting my favourite shop, New Look. For anyone who follows me regularly, they will know I am a huge fan of the clothes. Fashionable and reasonably priced, I do buy an awful lot from there!

What I love is the staff in my local New Look are always so friendly. They make an effort to ask about your day, comment favourably on what you are buying, chat to my children if they are with me. These are small things but they make you feel appreciated as a customer. It makes me want to come back and shop again and this is good customer service to me.

Good customer service isn’t a given. It isn’t something that you automatically receive but it is so important for a brand, to make you come back time and time again.

Can you remember your best and worst customer service?

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.
