Starting Breastfeeding – My Journey

Starting breastfeeding, my journey will always stay in my mind. I knew I wanted to breastfeed and when my eldest was born it was one of the first things we tried, after we had some…

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10 Things I Wish I Hadn’t Done as a Mum

In life generally there are always those things that seem a good idea at the time. That extra glass of wine. Pole dancing when drunk. Buying onesies. The hangovers and bruises are just not worth…

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What Does a Dietitian Eat?

 As a Dietitian I am sure most people wonder what we really eat. Do we survive on salad? Do we ever eat cake? Do we actually practice what we preach? It is an interesting question,…

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Moving from Cot to Bed – Tips to Succeed!

We were getting a bit desperate with my eldest daughter when she was around 21 months old. She was just refusing to sleep in her own cot at night without a monumental meltdown and potential…

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Vanilla Underground Clothes – REVIEW

AD – I love my clothes so when asked to do a review for Vanilla Underground, an online retailer, I was well in there. This is the description of what they sell and who they…

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Being Married to a Dietitian

Most people feel sorry for my husband. Married to a Dietitian he has been apparently indoctrinated to feel guilty for eating like a pig. Courtesy of ecards Before I met Chris he ate a lot.…

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Phenylketonuria Diet Challenge – How did it go low protein?

I have just come to end of my low protein diet for phenylketonuria diet challenge for International PKU Day on 28th June. If you want to see why I was doing this, have a read…

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