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9 Reasons Why I Have let Myself Go Since Being a Mum

This post was written before I had my three children and I only had my eldest. Since having my daughter I have definitely let myself go. I hate thinking this is just part of being…

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Why I couldn’t let my daughter have chocolate for breakfast

I think I must have actually been the only one on Easter Sunday. The only Mummy who didn’t let her daughter eat chocolate Easter Eggs at breakfast time.Well, I can’t have been but it felt…

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Breastfeeding – The Message will Never Change

It’s National Breastfeeding Week and I thought I would re-vamp an old post I wrote a while ago on breastfeeding and how the message will never change.  When I posted this back in 2015 a…

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The Benefits of Training with a Partner

It’s slightly sad time when a date with your husband is down at the gym with some weights, pads, boxing gloves and a rowing machine. However, this was where we found ourselves on Mother’s Day…

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Eating out with a Toddler – 7 Tips to Survive

Eating out was and still is one of my favourite things to do. Yummy food, a glass of vino and no washing up. I’d be warned by several friends to eat out as much as…

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When’s the right time to have another baby?

When is the right time to have another baby ? There is no definite answer. Well that was easy. Post over. No jesting aside this is question that I think I talk about several times a…

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My Top 5 Body Pump Fails

I lovvvve Body Pump and I have been going for a good few years (apart from when I hurt my knee and I did have a 2 year break!). For anyone who doesn’t know (and…

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