Aqua Dragons in Space – Live Astro Pets Deluxe Set – REVIEW

Aqua Dragons in Space – Live Astro Pets Deluxe Set – REVIEW

AD – Have you heard of Aqua dragons? I had something very similar as a kid and loved them! You may be wondering what I am on about and if so, let me introduce you to Aqua Dragons.

The gremlin loves her pet toys, like Hatchimals HatchiBabies and her Little Live Kitten Cuddles, so I knew she would enjoy Aqua Dragons too.


What are Aqua Dragons?

They are live, aquatic pets which you hatch out of their hibernated egg state. They grow, swim, eat and even reproduce. You can see a picture of one below which is from the official Aqua dragons website.

an aqua dragon

From when I looked after these little things, they were very low maintenance and fun to sit and watch swim about.

When I was asked to review Aqua Dragons in Space – The Live Astro Pets Deluxe set, I was really excited. Probably, more than my eldest daughter. Just to note these are aimed at 6 years old and upwards. My daughter is only 4 so was fully supervised and they will not be left in her room.

aqua dragons in space kit

An Introduction

The story behind this cool product can be seen in the video footage below. Some Aqua Dragon eggs, including the ones in the pack were sent to space, creating this amazing collectors edition – Live Astro Pets.

The eggs have been on a mission and passed the Earth’s stratosphere into space and were then found and brought back to Earth. You get to grow your own “out of this world” pets, which is really original.

What is Included in the Kit?

  • Asteroid shaped tank with LED Light up and glow in the dark base
  • Magnifying lid
  • Thermometer to monitor water temperature
  • Bubbler for oxygenating the water
  • Aqua Dragons Eggs that have been sent to space
  • Aqua Dragons Food
  • Glow in the dark feeding spoon
  • Set up and care instructions
  • Collector’s edition Authenticity Certificate with the space flight specifications
  • Aqua Dragons APP: including games, fun facts and your 360º space flight video

Aqua Dragons life cycle is approximately 45-60 days to complete.

Our Verdict

We are currently in the hatching phase of the Aqua dragons and my gremlin is really excited. I love the fact we get a certificate to say the Aqua dragons have been into space; it makes it really authentic for the little ones.

kit instructions

It was easy to set them up. Two x AAA batteries are needed for the LED lights in the mini tank. We added bottled water, as advised, to the tank and added the sachet of eggs, stirring. We then placed in a light place with a reasonably warm temperature. You do get a little thermometer to check this as the ideal is around 20-27 degrees. Quite warm really for the most number of eggs to hatch.

eggs in a packet

After a day, you then feed the Aqua dragons and within another day you should be able to see them swimming around. I remember from my younger years desperately staring into the little tank waiting to see them. It was really exciting spotting to teeny specks that started to grow.

My gremlin has already asked me about 10 times when we can feed them and when we can see them.

I also remember mine reproducing and they lived for a very long time.

girl hatching her aqua dragons

Overall Thoughts

For any kids who love space this concept is brill. It does make it more exciting knowing the Aqua dragon eggs have been in space and I like the asteroid shaped tank.

They are a low maintenance pet for children and pretty fascinating to watch.

A definite different gift for children and especially for those who love space and for someone who doesn’t want a hamster just yet!!

Disclosure – we were sent the Aqua Dragons free of charge, in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

aqua dragons in space review
