26 Weeks Pregnant – Bump Update

Now I think I was meant to be doing this update at 24 weeks but I’ve been so busy, the blog has been pretty busy and I’ve decided it will be a 26 weeks update instead!

How Am I Feeling at 26 Weeks Pregnant

Overall pretty well. I’m definitely more tired this time, especially when I’m sitting in the car before work (like now). My eyes are heavy even after a good night’s sleep! However, I know I’m quite active. Still gyming when I can and plenty of walking, especially on the school run or if the grem has swimming. I do still occasionally have nausea and burp a lot (nice!) Mentally I’m feeling good and feel am bonding more with my little man, as I was worried. He’s moving more and I heard the heartbeat last week with the midwife and felt very emotional. She also told me she thought he was head down already. Hoping he doesn’t move!!


Definitely less now. The raging hunger is better unless I’ve a mad gym and walking day and often the next day I’m starving!! I had a cold and hurt my foot a couple of weeks ago and I definitely noticed a drop in appetite when I was resting, so only snacked on fruit during the day. I’m just trying to listen to my body. No point stuffing myself if I’m not hungry. I’m on all foods again but have had more cravings for gummy sweets, which I don’t usually care about!

eating at 26 weeks pregnant


This really hasn’t changed in the last 6 weeks. I’m still doing cardio and weights and managed a body combat class a couple of weeks ago and have done some YouTube ones. I just don’t jump or do any ab work. I’m still scooting into work and this has been fine. Just hoping my foot holds up! I’ve not noticed many braxton hicks yet!

My Body

I only weighed myself over the last few weeks and I’d gained 5.5kg which isn’t too bad at all in 26 weeks. All my clothes and maternity clothes are still fitting well. I’m comfortable and confident so that’s all good. Now and then my lower back hurts a little but I used to get that with the gremlin, so I don’t worry too much. I definitely feel the biggest so far though! I have been really spotty over the last week or so and I really don’t like that. It’s like having teenage skin all over again!

My Mood

Overall pretty even now. I do get angry and tearful days and have to try really hard not to snap at the girls. I guess that’s normal and I will still blame my hormones. Now we have heard that everything is ok with the cord, I do feel a lot better and relieved. It was like this information allowed me to bond more with the baby too. I just keep an eye on myself and if I feel anxious or worried, tell people. Always helps.

Getting organised!

So we had the news that out garage conversion to office was going to be a long wait: next May! This is fine as not urgent but we have decisions to make about whether or not the girls will share. Currently they are liking to fall asleep together so we will see! We have just spent last weekend sorting out the spare room, cleaning the kitchen, utility room and got rid of 10 bags of baby clothes from the loft. I managed to save some of the neutral stuff and we did have quite a bit which is good! I’m feeling much more de-cluttered and we know we have some loft and garage sorting to do but not massively desperate for now.

We need to buy a few more clothes, wash the ones we have and sort through the baby equipment. Think will wait until after Christmas though. Christmas decorations will be up soon, ready to make the house feel a full again!

So my next update will come quite soon, after 28 weeks when I will be in the third trimester! Totally mad!

Catch  you soon!

26 weeks bump update

