![The Little Guy’s Birth Story](https://runjumpscrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/IMG_9786-1440x960.jpg)
I love a good birth story and I always write mine as soon as possible to keep all the memories fresh. So here I am with the little guy in one arm trying to bang out a few thoughts.
I had a feeling I was going to go into labour early again with this baby but perhaps not as early! I’d joked I didn’t want him to come during half term, as the gremlin would be off and this did make me feel very anxious. I don’t know why I was feeling more scared in general about the little guy’s birth. Perhaps because I didn’t know where the girls would be, if my Mum could be present or because I knew what I had to go through!! I’ve never really had this before and it was unnerving. I think there was also part of me that was really scared about having three children and coping with the tiredness that comes with a newborn.
It all begins…my little Guy’s Birth Story
I was 38 weeks and 4 days and had a really rough night’s sleep. I was getting very bad Braxton Hicks and back cramps and had spent quite a bit of time on the loo the previous few days!! Part of me wondered if it was early labour but I wasn’t sure. My hubby had a major exam the next day which he was desperate to get through and I had planned to spend the day with my work bud and her girls. I hadn’t even got to hers when hubby called to say he had passed his exam! Massive relief but as I hit my mate’s my suspicions I was in early labour intensified. I was getting cramps regularly, felt anxious and just not right. I figured I should stay where I was. The girls made pizzas and played and we hung around until late afternoon.
I came home and got into my PJs and the girls had some chill time. Piglet slept and I was still getting cramps but not as bad.
I felt like things were calming down as I sat on the sofa blogging and chilling. Hubby and I were settling with some TV when the gremlin whimpered and I ran upstairs for her to leg it to the toilet and throw up!!! I couldn’t believe it. The timing!!!! Hubby made me move immediately to avoid me catching it and he sorted her out. Thank goodness she was only sick one more time and was fine from then on. My anxiety went through the roof with the thoughts of a sickness bug in labour or potentially after.
With the combination of listening out for the gremlin and my cramps/contractions re-surfacing during the night, I didn’t sleep at all. At 2.30am I was timing contractions to be 8 minutes apart and called my Mum and step-Dad to come over and I called my local birth unit, who said to stay at home and call back when they got closer together.
I expected contractions to vamp up as they had with Piglet and we would be going in pretty soon. This didn’t happen. Well it wouldn’t be a good birth story without drama!
I’m not sure if it was because I was trying to doze and laying down. The contractions spaced out, shortened, got worse and then seemed to get better. We got up after 6.30am and I wasn’t sure what was happening. I felt bad I’d got my Mum over when nothing was happening. I stupidly did a bit of googling and read that third babies can really mess you about in labour; with a lot of stop-starts, some lasting days!!!
I really wish I hadn’t read it. I have since heard from the midwives this is true and they don’t know why!
I had a bath and decided to sit up at the end of the bed and watch a film. My birth ball had a hole in it! I knew my pain was getting so much worse when walking around but knew I needed to sit up straight like I was on a birth ball. I shoved on About a Boy, armed with water and a few snacks I starting timing my contractions. Things started getting going. Pains were coming every 5 minutes or less and lasting 30-60 seconds. The birth unit still told me to stay at home and hubby got the TENs machine set up which is amazing and I have used all three times.
Lunchtime passed and I started to feel really uncomfortable and knew was getting a bit of pressure. We got ready and told the hospital we were coming. I was a wreck leaving. The gremlin looked really worried and my Mum managed to come along too, with the promise of coming back. I cried a lot of the way to the unit!!
Love my hubby’s photos!!
When we arrived I was shown into a different room to where I had the girls and had my usual examinations. They told me I was 6cm, which was less than both the girls at 8cm. I was a bit worried about how long it could take as the pain was mega and my TENs was permanently buzzing. I didn’t get into the pool immediately as was feeling hot and nauseous, so knew the adrenaline was kicking in. I had a bit of gas and air and a couple of contractions. Time to get in the water.
The water is always lovely when I first get in but I knew what was coming and trust me it came fast. I thought Piglet’s birth was intense and fast but this was something else. I was in the pool 15-20 minutes and I swear about 4-5 contractions and pushes and his head was out. I apparently freaked my Mum and hubby out, as I roared through it and they were worried about my pain. It was the fastest, most painful birth of the three! I was sooooo relieved when he was out but very sore!
Weighing in at 8lb 4oz, I was really surprised as expected him to be bigger but he was born at 38 weeks and 6 days. After the placenta was delivered he latched on for some milk pretty quickly and had a feed. I was getting some pretty intense cramps and I have been told these get worse with each baby you have!
Everyone had cuddles and I had blood taken and the little guy had his Vitamin K jab.
I just got time to sit a chill then, drink tea and have toast and rest before showering and moving to the post natal room. We decided to stay in as there was two beds and everyone said get the rest and break from the girls. It was good and we did sleep! Especially after snacks and a milkshake!
I was the most anxious about this birth but I could not have asked for better care and I’m so glad I got to go to my local midwife-led unit again. I’m sad it will be my last time, as I have had the best experiences a good birth story every time with both the gremlin and little Piglet.
I’m grateful to be able to share my positive experience and birth story with you again.
Ahh! I do love a birth story.
What an anxious time you had in the run up to giving birth but sounds like he came out really quickly! Eek! He is beautiful! Congrats x
Aw what a birth story. I had exactly the same feelings about my impending third birth when we were expecting ours. I really didn’t want to go through labour I was a anxious mess. Worrying about a newborn along with caring for our older children.
Congratulations he’s beautiful
I love a birth story! Sounds like you did amazing lovely and he is a beauty. Hope youre managing to get some rest xx p.s. you’ve totally freaked me out about the third labour thing!!
Gorgeous birth story and I can’t believe how quick it was in the end! I didn’t know you’re rhesus neg too! Hope to see you soon and have a squidge xx
Handsome boy :- Congratulations! Good that you had a positive experience, probably helps you settle into a new phase of family life. Thanks for sharing your birth story. Can be informative, and helpful for others.