Present Pets REVIEW – Interactive Plush Puppy That Unboxes Itself! | AD

present pets cocoa puppy

It’s that time of year again when the girls and I wonder what amazing toy Spin Master are going to release this Christmas? The I wonder if I will be lucky enough to review one of these amazing products. This then makes me start to get a little excited for Christmas; planning presents and seeing what toys are going to be on every Christmas list this year! We have had the pleasure of reviewing Luvabella, Hatchimals HatchiBabies and Hatchimals WOW over the last few years and I don’t think kids are going to be disappointed with the new Present Pets Interactive Plush Puppy this year! This product actually unboxes itself! Here is our Present Pets REVIEW.

**I’m writing this top tip right at the top of the post, as we missed the unboxing (see below!!) Make sure you pull the tag and WAIT. Don’t let your child try and unbox it, or they will miss the amazing unboxing experience** I think all Present Pets Reviews should have this disclaimer!!

Kids waiting to unbox present pets

Kids love anything interactive and my eldest is also desperate for a pet. I’ve fobbed her off a bit with the line about her not being able to keep her bedroom tidy, so how is she going to look after a pet? Not sure will work forever. My Mum is getting dog soon, so I hope this helps her forget her pet need for a bit and unboxing a new Present Pets Puppy should do as well!

present pets in the box

Present Pets REVIEW – More About the Interactive Plush Puppies

Present Pets are aimed at children aged 5 years and over. My 3 year (almost 4 year) old is pretty sensible, so she of course got involved, fully supervised. Batteries are included but you will need 6 x AAA when they run out! Have some spares.

Present Pets come in two themes with different puppies inside: Present Pets Fancy (the puppies you could get are Kweenie and Princess) and Present Pets Glitter.

We received a Purple Glitter themed box!

Your puppy from the Glitter themed box is so excited to meet you, she paws her way out of her own gift box! There are two Puppy potentials: Cocoa and Casey and you won’t know who you will get! They are so cute with wide eyes and glittery ears and a gorgeous bow!

To start the big reveal, you unwrap the box’s outer layer and pull the gift tag. The box will instantly start to shake as your sweet pup paws and kicks her way out! The front panel pops open to reveal Cocoa or Casey and she sings a cute unboxing song.

Your Present Puppy is so excited and cuddly and loves to play. Her tails wags and she taps and shuffles her paws. She has over 100 sounds and actions and imitates you! It’s like having your own real Pup!

Unboxing Present Pets (or letting it Unbox Itself!)

The girls were really excited one Saturday morning to unbox (or as I said before, let the Present Pets unbox itself!) for this Present Pets Review.

My eldest was as usual stupidly excited and her hands always move at lightening speed, which you get from my photos! She was dying to see who she would get Casey or Cocoa.

present pets in box

The first step is easy and involves removing the outer layer of cardboar. There is an easy pull to do this.

opening a box

You are then left with a purple box and are reading for the exciting unboxing. On the top of the box is a “pull” tag, so we pulled it! The puppy inside started going mad. I really wish I had captured my daughter’s face! It was barking, yapping and kicking like mad; starting to unbox itself.

pull me present pets

However my daughter made an error! She was so excited when the puppy was going crackers in the box, that she pulled open the front to reveal beautiful Cocoa!

You are meant to LEAVE IT to unbox itself! My eldest was not patient at all. You need to watch and wait. You see little paws disappear from the box, as it actually paws its way out. I’ve since watched a video!

Do bear this is mind and explain to your kids, as I only noticed afterwards. It didn’t matter at all for my eldest, as she was so excited!! But it is the main concept of the product!!! There are instructions; we just got a bit carried away.

She then revealed Cocoa! She was kicking and yapping load and is so cute!! The girls immediately wanted to get her out and start playing.

revealing Cocoa, one of the two present pets characters

She is quite a noisy Pup! It is quite easy to switch her off by turning her over and the switch to do so is on her foot! This will of course, save the battery. She does go quiet though, if you leave her for a while.

How to Switch off Your Present Pets Puppy

Different Modes – Playing with Cocoa

Once Cocoa was out we had to take her off the stand. I was stumped as usual but my hubby figured you move the purple bones to let her out and yes you can see it on the instructions above! I need to learn to read.

Cocoa present pets unboxed

You can see the purple bones below.

Cocoa's stand

The girls proceeded to have a fight over who was playing with Cocoa but we had a look at in the instructions to see what she could do.

She has a Cuddle Mode by pressing the top of her head. After a while of cuddling she does get sleepy and fall asleep and both girls were the most excited to do this for a while and snuggle her.

Your Present Pets Puppy also has a Excited Mode by ticking her tummy and she does yap and kick and get excited!

There is also an Instant Trick by pressing her bark button on her back and then patting the head. We did have problems doing this however and need to have a few more tries. I always struggle a bit with the more complex bits! However, I have been informed if you press the button and pat away quickly on the head it does work. The  pup may miaow or something funny! However, we still struggled to do this.

If you press the bark back button on her back your Present Pets Puppy is in Listen Mode. If you speak or bark at your puppy, she will imitate you! This is really fun and the girls enjoyed chatting and barking at Cocoa.

The below photo cracks me up as my eldest got Cocoa in Games Mode. To do this you hold down the bark button on the back for a couple of seconds and you hear a chime. There are 2 games; the first the puppy starts barking and you have to copy the number of barks. You get a happy sound if you do and a sad sound if you fail!

There is also a second game and you copy the rhythm of the puppy’s barks. This starts as a short rhythm and gets longer! If you can do it, you win and get a happy chime!

You can skip to game 2 by short pressing the back button and get out completely by a second short press.

The games worked really well and I had a laugh watching the girls.

present pets cocoa puppy

Overall Thoughts

I usually try and have a think of the pros and cons when doing a review and I’m the same for Cocoa, our Present Pets puppy.


– The “Wow Factor” – my eldest’s face was priceless when Cocoa started kicking and yapping in the box. It was pure joy and this will makes kids so happy on Christmas Day.

– Unique! Toys have been about unboxing for years but no one has thought about a toy that unboxes itself before!

– Really cute and cuddly. Cocoa has gorgeous big blue eyes and is fluffy and just adorable. The girls fell in love with her immediately.

– Not too complex, sometimes previous Spin Master Toys have done a little much and hard to get the kids to understand. I found this with some of the Hatchimals but Present Pets are easy to work and great for kids. The recommended age range is perfect.

– Batteries included. Always a plus for me.


– Price – less expensive that previous products but £59.99 is an investment present and probably the main present for many children.

– Take your time opening it and read the instructions first! You would think as an experienced toy reviewer I would have and my daughter would have calmed down but nope! Do the process slowly to get the best unboxing experience. However, I do think the instructions are a little unclear.

– We did struggle to do the trick but sometimes it takes a bit of practice. However, this is a bit of a con, as would your child be able to do it?

– Lots of plastic to get rid of, as you don’t need to keep the stand! If you are bothered by this, maybe a no in your mind as a present for your child.

Overall, we love Cocoa and the Present Pets concept. They are so adorable and loveable, not too complicated and so interactive. They would make a lovely gift and one that kids continue to play with for days to come. My eldest has carted it around solidly since we have opened it, so it has gone down very well!

I hope this Present Pets review has helped!

girl cuddling Cocoa

present pets review - it unboxes itself

Disclosure – we were provided with this product in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.


  1. October 1, 2020 / 1:26 pm

    Isn’t the unboxing by itself fun? My girls couldn’t stop laughing watching it. Great excitement!

  2. October 4, 2020 / 10:38 am

    I love that it unboxes itself, that is such a cool feature and my boys LOVE Cats so this one is going on the Christmas list

    Laura x