10 Ways to Boost Your Mood | AD

boost your mood

Feeling happy constantly is tough, especially right now. To be honest I don’t want to be happy and positive all the time. Sometimes it’s good to feel a bit rubbish and let yourself chew over the feelings of negativity. It’s pretty exhausting being positive all the time! During lockdown I wallowed and to some extent I still am a bit now but then I realise there isn’t any point in it and do realise that I need to snap out of it and and feel better. Sometimes doing this is a lot easier said than done but there are easy ways to boost your mood. They don’t have to cost anything and they are quite simple.

Boost Your Mood


Exercise is my go to for boosting my mood. You know I love the gym and training at home but this isn’t what exercise is all about. It could be dancing with your kids in the lounge or bouncing on the trampoline in the garden (if you have one). Anything that gets you moving and the endorphins pumping.


Meditating is one of the things that helps me sleep when the insomnia kicks in or I feel stressed. It’s a great way to focus, lose the stress and negativity and be in the moment. It does take some practice but works for me.

Eat Well

You are what you eat? I do believe that phrase. If I eat a lot of rubbish, I tend to feel rubbish. Tired and sluggish and I may end up with an upset stomach. Filling your body with healthy foods and plenty of water can make you feel good; alert and ready to face the day.

You may like my Healthy Snack Ideas post.

Feel Comfortable 

There’s part of me right now that wants to be dressed up, ready for autumn and there’s another part of me that is loving being comfortable and comfort is so important at a time like this.

I’ve been sent some comfy clothes from Femme-Luxe Finery and this is what I went for:

Pink Cuffed Joggers from the Loungewear collection. These are so comfy and soft. I chose a size 10 and there is plenty of room. Perfect for chilling and watching some TV. These are currently retailing at £13.99.

pink cuffed joggers from Femme luxe

I went for some more joggers from the Stay at Home Collection. These Grey Cuffed Joggers match everything. Plain white tees, black vest and my usual slogan tees. These are currently retailing at £13.99.

grey joggers from Femme luxe

Finally I chose this Jade Green Crop Ribbed Two Piece Co-Ord set. I chose this in a size 10 and it currently retails at £19.99. This is from the Clothing Section.

Have Time Alone

This is the thing I have craved the most over lockdown. Being a Mum of 3 kids can be really tough and when the kids weren’t at school and in childcare it was so hard. I need time alone and time with my hubby. I can be so hard to come by. Luckily now I have my Tuesdays alone to work and do get some chill time in there as well. It’s so important to have some time without something touching you and calling out “mummy”.  It recharges me and boost my mood.

Keep in Touch with People

Over lockdown it has been really hard not seeing friends and family as often. I’m not sure what I would have done without technology; being able to zoom, FaceTime or just simple message. It’s never going to be the same as going out for a drinks, but Zoom drinks has had it’s place over the lockdown.

Treat Yourself

Sometimes a treat is all you need. I do love my clothes and as well as loving my comfort as above, I do like to make an effort and buy a new cardigan, coat or pair of boots. I do feel I haven’t got as many occasions to wear half this stuff but who cares? Where it to the park, where it to the shops. A treat for you may be a drink, beauty products or a hair cut. Go ahead and book it!

Plan Ahead

We do feel like we can’t plan ahead but thinking of what I would like to do in the future does boost my mood. Make lists, use a planner and get excited about something. That time will come again and you’ll be ready for it.

Have a Date Night

My hubby and I know we feel better after a date night. This means no phones, a nice meal and drinks and proper talking. No distractions, no TV. We always feel more connected and always think we need to do it more often.

Read, Watch a Film, Game – Escapism

Really getting out of the real world for a little while can be fab for trying to boost your mood. You forget your worries, you are so distracted and engrossed, time just stands still. I love those times and always feel great afterwards. Films, books and games are great for this. Make the time to do it!

We are in tough times. Being happy all the time just isn’t feasible I don’t think but being miserable all the time isn’t either! That happy medium is needed and when it’s all getting too much, it’s time to boost your mood. I hope these ideas help.

Disclosure – we were provided with some clothes and compensated for our time. All thoughts and opinions are our own.